Useful numbers and services

Here you can find some details of equestrian shops, service suppliers and other useful contacts you may need as a rider.

We recommend visiting a shop and getting your helmet and bodyprotector correctly fitted by someone trained to do so. It is essential that the fit is correct in order for the item to protect you.

Never buy a used helmet. The damage to the protection level cannot be seen by the eye, and a seemingly perfect helmet may be damaged and dangerous. 

We recommend that you contact the shops and talk to them about fittings.

Galway/Mayo region

The Equine Warehouse – Galway 

Galway Equestrian Centre and shop  – Athenry

Claremorris Equestrian & Shop.

There are many equestrian stores available on line

DSE – Wicklow

Horse Heaven – Athlone

TRI Equestrian – Kildare

Holmstead Saddlery – Kildare

Old Mill – Antrim

and many good stores in Europe


Reitsport – Voss
