
I rode weekly as a kid and came back to horses at a “mature” age. I never realised that first lesson would lead to where i am now. I own my horse, made a bunch of friends for life and I have become the kind of rider I never even dreamed possible. I love it, riding for fun and the pure joy of learning more. My second home and second family.

Sinead is one of those few coaches who instinctively knows how to train each student. She cares about their physical and mental health. Lessons are fun and full of positive feedback. She believes in her students and their ability to go further. I feel very privileged to call her my coach and friend.

I find that the way Sinead teaches is very positive, I always come out of a lesson feeling rewarded. She knows when is just enough to push to get the very best out of both horse and rider, and also is very encouraging when things don’t go quite right which really makes you want to strive to do better.